
Home » 天武境五重


Cover 天武境五重
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She transmigrated into the body of a little girl from a fishing village! Her father is honest and foolishly filial, while her mother is weak and ill. Moreover, her siblings are still young children.

Dia pindah ke tubuh seorang gadis kecil dari desa nelayan! Ayahnya jujur ​​dan bodoh berbakti, sementara ibunya lemah dan sakit. Apalagi adik-adiknya masih anak-anak.

Her father was the best fisher in the village and breadwinner of the entire family. However, when he got injured and was on the verge of death, her cruel grandparents and uncle kicked her whole family out. They were hungry and cold with nothing but an empty house…

Ayahnya adalah nelayan terbaik di desa dan pencari nafkah seluruh keluarga. Namun, ketika dia terluka dan berada di ambang kematian, kakek dan neneknya yang kejam mengusir seluruh keluarganya. Mereka lapar dan kedinginan tanpa apa-apa selain rumah kosong…

But that’s ok! She has a multicolored stone that can accelerate the growth of crops. She was also an expert at preparing braised meat in her previous life.

Tapi tidak apa-apa! Dia memiliki batu warna-warni yang dapat mempercepat pertumbuhan tanaman. Dia juga ahli dalam menyiapkan daging rebus di kehidupan sebelumnya.

Just watch as she, an eight year-old girl, challenges the taste buds of people who lived during ancient times. With improved high-yielding crops, she’s going to become the most famous farming expert in the world!

Lihat saja saat dia, seorang gadis berusia delapan tahun, menantang selera orang-orang yang hidup pada zaman kuno. Dengan peningkatan hasil panen yang tinggi, dia akan menjadi ahli pertanian paling terkenal di dunia!

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